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Feeling Too High? Here's What to Do

Feeling Too High? Here's What to Do

Getting too high can happen to anyone, even the most experienced cannabis users. Whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or a newbie, it’s important to know how to handle the situation when you’ve had a bit too much. Here’s a guide to help you navigate through the haze and come out the other side feeling more grounded and comfortable.

Let It Wash Over 

First and foremost, recognize that feeling too high is a temporary state. Imagine the high as a wave that crashes onto the shore of a beach; the wave always washes back into the ocean. The key is to remain calm and remember that these effects will pass. 

What to Do

  1. Go Somewhere Comfortable: Get yourself to a comfortable and safe environment. If you are inside try to sit yourself down in a comfy chair or lay down on your bed. If you’re out and about, try to find a tranquil place in nature where you can sit or lie down. Nature has a remarkably calming effect on me. The sounds, smells, and atmosphere of a nice park or forest helps bring me back to my roots. Safe spaces help reduce feelings of anxiety and allow you to focus on calming down.

  1. Hydrate and Eat: Drinking water can help alleviate dry mouth and may aid in bringing down your high. Eating a light snack, especially something with a bit of fat, can help slow the absorption of THC. Avoid alcohol as it can intensify the effects of cannabis.

  1. Deep Breathing and Relaxation: Engage in deep breathing exercises to calm your mind and body. I like to follow “The Rule of Fours” a technique I learned at a meditation retreat in Northern California. Inhale slowly for four seconds through your nose, hold for four seconds, and exhale gently through your mouth for four more seconds. Repeat this exercise until you feel more relaxed. It’s easy to forget to breathe sometimes. 

  1. Take a Hot Shower: A hot shower can help soothe your body and bring you back to a more relaxed state. The sensation of warm water can help calm your mind and reduce the intense effects of the high. Steam also helps open up your breathing passages, allowing for a more fulfilling breathing experience.

  1. Peppercorn Remedy: A little known secret that my grandpa taught me is the Peppercorn Remedy. Try to sniff or chew a couple black peppercorns to help bring your high down. Peppercorn contains a terpene called beta-caryophyllene, which, in combination with tetrahydrocannabinol, increases the sedating effects of THC and can subdue feelings of paranoia.

  1. Distract Yourself: Lose yourself in activities that distract your mind. Throwing on your favorite TV show, listening to some of your favorite tunes, or conversing with a trusted friend can help shift your focus and make the experience more manageable.

  1. Rest and Sleep: If all else fails the best remedy is to simply sleep it off. Find a quiet, dark room and allow yourself to rest. A good nap can help you wake up feeling more refreshed and less overwhelmed by the high.

Final Thoughts

Experiencing an intense high can be unsettling, but hopefully these steps will empower you to manage your situation effectively. Remember, it’s all about staying calm and taking proactive measures to ease the discomfort. The next time you find yourself feeling too high, you’ll be prepared to handle it like a pro. 

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